Hey Its me! Today was a wild day, and it stopped snowing! Well I woke up this morning to almost the same exact thing yesterday except that they weren't banging on my rats cage. So today I woke up went upstairs and found my pop making breakfast!!!! That's like a once in a lifetime thing! But it was pretty good, I had chopped and seasoned potatoes, with eggs. Then I said thanks and just relaxed for a little bit. After a while I went to see the new comments on my NEWWWW Blog, and I had 2 comments, one from my mom and one from my aunt Jojo. My mom had written just how good I was doing on my Blog, something like that, and aunt Jojo wrote I love your new Blog Cass! I was VERY thankful for that, tehehe! But anyways, I started commenting on other peoples Blogs like my aunt Jojo's and my cousin Trinity's Blog. Then I downloaded some pictures on my blog too make it look PERTTYFULLS! I think it looks pretty good so far. But after I was done blogging my mom wanted too go for a walk in the snow, and maybe go sledding! So we got all bundled up and we went on our little adventure too 7 Eleven. While we were their, my mom let us get some Hot chocolate but I mixed mine with a little coffee, my pop doesn't like it when I drink it he says it stunts my growth but I don't believe him. Ive drunken it plenty of times and I'm getting taller not shorter. You can mix it all you want for the same price of, I think.... 99 cents? Then we went to a place with a really big hill and we sled down it for a while, then we meaning (Me and the DEMON BOY CHILD)made snow Angels in the snow. So after a couple minutes of falling down mountains of snow and getting snow in my shoes, my mom said that she wanted to go home because it wasn't good for Shelby too play in the snow for so long. My pop said lets take a shortcut so we started going his direction, then we realized that it was a super big steep HILL!!! So we sled down it for about 15 maybe 20 min., then we went home and here I am on my awesome Blog talking to all you fine people! Love ya all, Thanks 4 listening!!!!!
P.S. A nice man gave me an awesome sled today when I was walking home, FOR FREE!!!!